
About urinary protein, nephropathy need to know three things

Urine protein can be said that the most headache in patients with kidney disease symptoms, because of the need to eat hormones with many side effects, but also often relapse.
But about urinary protein, the following three things you really understand?

urine protein
First, how to produce urinary protein?
The Importance of Protein No doubt, under normal circumstances, we should not expel more than 0.15 grams of protein per day through the urine.
Urine protein in patients with kidney disease is how to produce it? There are probably three situations
1, inflammation
The inflammatory response triggered by the deposition of immune complexes can disrupt the glomerular filtration barrier, especially the podocyte foot process, leading to a large protein leak.
2, the ball pressure rise
Whether it is high blood pressure or diabetes, will cause increased renal pressure, mainly in the glomerular blood pressure, which will also force the protein "crowding out", resulting in urine protein.
3, tubular damage
Tubular damage, reabsorption will be seriously affected, although the glomerular filtration function is completely normal, but can not be completely reabsorbed into the bloodstream of the kidneys, will result in protein loss.

Second, the harm of urinary protein
There are two main aspects to the harm caused by continuous leaking protein:
1, destroy the filtration barrier
Proteins are macromolecular substances that, when leaked, destroy the glomerular filtration barrier, leading to increased podocyte damage, which in turn causes more protein to leak out.
2, causing edema
A large amount of leaky protein will lead to lower plasma albumin, and lower plasma albumin will cause colloid osmotic pressure imbalance, causing edema.
The harm of edema must not only affect the appearance, but cause acute pulmonary edema and acute heart failure and endanger life.

Third, the treatment of urinary protein
Normally, hormones are used when more than one gram of 24-hour urine protein is quantified.
The role of hormones mainly in two aspects: First, inhibit the inflammatory response, the second is to reduce the permeability of renal cells.
Hormone can be said to be the weapon to solve urinary protein, but side effects can not be ignored.
In addition to hormones, Jin Bao and other proprietary Chinese medicines also have a certain role in the elimination of urinary protein. But unlike hormones, traditional Chinese medicine eliminates urinary protein by boosting the vitality of the remaining nephrons.
It should be noted that the three high urine protein, hormonal effect is not ideal, because it is not caused by the inflammatory response leaky protein, usually the use of antihypertensive drugs to dilate blood vessels to eliminate urinary protein, such as ACEI drugs .

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