
Uric acid really can not accept treatment

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Uric acid is high in the body there is a substance called purine due to metabolic disorders, resulting in increased blood uric acid caused by a metabolic disease, the body's daily production and excretion of uric acid is about the same amount of formation, the third One is from the food, two thirds is the body's own synthesis, excretion pathway is one third discharged from the intestine, two thirds excreted from the kidneys. As long as any of the above ways a problem, it will cause elevated uric acid.

Uric acid rises, because it hinder the process of blood secretion of uric acid, uric acid can not be discharged. Uric acid is too high, can also cause other diseases.
Gout in the past more rare gout patients, not only the incidence of the elderly, but also appeared the trend of younger, has become a common disease. In clinical, male uric acid normal: 149 ~ 416μmol / L. Female uric acid normal: 89 ~ 357μmo1 / L. If you exceed the target, uric acid is high.

Note: The normal reference value of each hospital or laboratory slightly different, you can consult a physician.

The normal reference for women about 60-70umol / L lower than men, usually until after menopause uric acid value was gradually increased, and close to the value of adult males.

Children's normal reference value is low [about 180-300umol / L], uric acid in adolescent men began to rise, and gradually reach adult concentrations, women will have to begin to increase after menopause, and slowly reach the adult man's level.

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