
Does Everyone With PKD End Up With Kidney Failure

Does everyone with PKD end up with kidney failure? This should be one of the most concerned questions for PKD patients. In the following article, kidney hospital china will give further understanding and make solutions.

Does everyone with PKD end up with kidney failure?

In fact, the answer is no. If PKD patients can get the effective treatment to stop their progression, it can help prevent kidney failure. As we know, PKD, polycystic kidney disease, is a genetic kidney disease with numerous cysts formed on kidneys, and the cysts can get enlarged over time. It will oppress surrounding kidney tissues and cause kidney damage. So, if you can take treatment that can shrink the cysts and stop the cysts growth, and restore your kidney function, it can help you prevent kidney failure and make a good prognosis for you.

Chinese medicine treatment can help you prevent kidney failure from PKD.

In our hospital, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, we use the traditional Chinese medicine to remedy PKD from root. Our featured treatment is the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

This is an external and herbal based treatment, and there are many unique and special Chinese medicines used in it depending on your own case with PKD. Through external application on your both kidneys, the effective substances in osmotherapy can work on your kidney lesions directly, and it will cause no side effects to you.

The effective substances in Osmotherapy can help increase the permeability of the cyst wall, which can shrink the kidney cysts, and it can also help prevent the secretion of fluid from cyst wall. Then it can help shrink the kidney cysts and stop the further growth of your cysts. Most important, the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can also repair your damaged kidney tissues and improve your kidney function fundamentally. So it can stop the progression of your PKD.

Up to now, we have treated many PKD patients from all over the world, and most of them have prevented kidney failure and live a better life. You can learn more from our patient stories. If you want to get our systematic treatment, you need to come to China for further treatment. The earlier you take our treatment, the better prognosis you will get. 

If you want to know more information about our therapies, you can contact us:

our email: sjz-kidneyhospital@hotmail.com