
How To Prevent Kidney Failure for IgA Nephropathy

How can I prevent kidney failure with IgA Nephropathy? This should be a common question for IgA Nephropathy patients. IgA Nephropathy is an autoimmune disease with gradually reduced kidney function. And it can finally develop into kidney failure without effective treatment.

Here are the solutions for IgA Nephropathy patients to get a good prognosis and prevent kidney failure. Suggested by experts in our hospital, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital.

1. Keep a well planed diet

A well planed diet for IgA Nephropathy can reduce kidney burden and slow down its progression. The specific diet should be based on your own case, which may include low protein, low salt, avoid foods high in potassium and phospborus, etc. You can talk with your doctor and make a diet chart for your case.

2. Control well of your symptoms

With the development of your diseade, you may get some symptoms, such as protein in urine, swelling, high blood pressure. You should take treatment to control well of your symptoms, because the unwell controlled symptoms can worsen your disease and cause further kidney damage.

3. Stop the progression of your disease

This is the most important thing that you need to do with IgA Nephropathy, you should take treatment that can stop the IgA Nephropathy and restore your kidney function. Then it can help prevent kidney failure for your disease.

Here we suggest the Immunotherapy and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to prevent kidney failure with IgA Nephropathy in our hospital.

The immunotherapy is used to regulate your immune system and prevent the further immune reactions in your kidneys, and it can also help remove the IgA immune complexes out. This can prevent further kidney damage and stop your progression of IgA Nephropathy.

The Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an external and herbal based treatment in our hospital, and it can help repair the damaged kidney tissues and improve the kidney function.

Through systematic treatment with the Chinese medicine treatment for your IgA Nephropathy, it can help stop your progression to kidney failure, which can make a good prognosis for your disease. If you want to get more information of the treatment with kidney failure.

our email: sjz-kidneyhospital@hotmail.com