
Two Ways to Improve Renal Function for Kidney Failure Patients

improve renal function for kidney failure, kidney transplant,kidney failure treatment,Chinese medicine treatment Kidney failure means severe kidney damage and low kidney function. With the development of this disease, patients can get some severe symptoms and complications, like nausea, vomiting, skin itching, high blood pressure, anemia, bone problems, heart disease, etc. In order to make a good prognosis, patients need to improve their kidney function. Here are two ways that can improve renal function for kidney failure patients.

1. Kidney transplant

Kidney transplant is the most commonly used treatment for renal failure patients, it means organ transplant that put a new kidney into body to substitute the failed kidneys. Many patients choose this way, because it give them more comfortable life and reduce creatinine level at one, if patients are lucky, they can live with the new kidney for many years. Meanwhile, the high cost and donor are big problems for most patients. Many of them need wait for several years even more till death, also proper donor is difficult to find. After this operation, patients need take anti-rejection medicine for all rest life which has many side effects for their body, increasing infection, virus and tumour risks. Also patients will loose chance to save their own kidneys.

2. Chinese herbal medicine treatment

Apart from the good effect of treating kidney failure with Chinese medicine treatment, it has no side effects to patients. Most important, the Chinese medicine can repair kidney damage and restore renal function. In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, the experts use systematic treatment called Toxin-Removing Treatment to remedy kidney failure. This disease can remedy the kidney failure from root, it can help purify blood and remove wastes out from inherent renal cells and blood, then it can make a good blood environment for further treatment. Then some certain Chinese therapies will be used to repair damaged renal cells and improve renal function naturally.

Above are the two ways to improve renal function for kidney failure patients, you can choose the suitable one for your renal failure. 

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