
Treatment to Reduce Creatinine 8.1 in Kidney Failure

What is the treatment to reduce creatinine 8.1 in kidney failure? This should be most concerned question for kidney failure patients once they got high serum creatinine level. Because it is a dangerous sign for kidney patients. In the following article, we will get treatment for high creatinine 8.1 in kidney failure.

Creatinine 8.1 is much higher than normal level 0.5-1.3, and it means kidneys have been damaged very severely with low kidney function. In this condition, there are less than 15% left for patients, there are too much toxins and wastes building up in blood, thus can lead to severe symptoms like nausea, vomiting, skin itching, weakness, and so on. So taking prompt treatment is very urgent.

What is the treatment to reduce high creatinine 8.1 in kidney failure?

1. Dialysis

In general, when creatinine level is higher than 5, dialysis will be suggested, because it is the quickest way to remove wastes out from blood. It is an artificial and replacement treatment, which can discharge out wastes by dialysis machines. However, dialysis cant restore kidney function, so patients should take it regularly about 3-4 times a week. In addition, long term dialysis may cause some severe side effects and shrunk the damaged kidneys completely.

2. Toxin-Removing Treatment

This is a systematic Chinese medicine treatment, and it is commonly used in China to lower high creatinine level for kidney patients. The treatment is based on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and it includes various Chinese therapis, such as foot bath, full bath, oral Chinese medicine, moxibustion, hot compress therapy, cycle therapy, and so on. This treatment can remove wastes out from blood and inherent renal cells, thus can make a good blood environment for further treatment. In addition, it can help repair damaged renal cells and improve renal function, so it can stop kidney failure and lower high creatinine fundamentally.