
Early Symptoms in Kidney Failure Patients

Kidney failure, or renal failure, means kidneys have been damaged severely with very low kidney function. Since patients may have no severe symptoms before kidney failure, so they are often diagnosed in a late stage. So people need to pay attention to some of the early symptoms in kidney failure patients. Read on, you can l earn more in this article.

1. Poor appetite, nausea and vomiting

In kidney failure, the low kidney function cause too much toxins and wastes building up in blood, which can affect the digestive system function. In early stage, patients can have poor appetite. But with increased waste products accumulated in kidneys and blood, it will cause the severe symptoms, like nasuea, vomiting, difficult breathing, and so on.

2. Fatigue, weakness and headache

The kidney damage will affect cell function, which can lead to metabolic error, and the long term wastes remained in cells can cause nerve cell mutation, acid-base metabolism imbalance, electrolyte disturbance and renal hypertension, etc. These severe complications can cause the symptoms like dizziness, headache, fatigue, reduced memory, and so on. And many people may ignore these symptoms due to the hard work and pressure in life.

3. High blood pressure

High blood pressure is a common symptom in kidney failure patients, and patients can also get the symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, eye problem, etc. Once people get high blood pressure, they need to pay attention, and get the main cause.

4. Pale face

The poor kidney function can also cause anemia to kidney failure patients, and patients can get the symptoms like pale face, fatigue, weakness, and co on.

5. Reduced urine output

In general, the normal urine output should be 1000 ml-2000 ml, and the times to go toilet is 4-6 times at day time, 0-2 times at night. Since kidneys have the function of producing urine, so the urine output will be reduced in kidney failure with low kidney function. If your urine output becomes less and the urine becomes clear, you need to pay attention and get the main reason.

Above are some of the early symptoms in kidney failure patients. Once patients get these symptoms, they need to pay attention and take early treatment to improve their renal function, which can make a good prognosis for them. 

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