
we need first get the main cause of black stool for kidney failure patients

Kidney failure refers to the kidney damage caused by many factors, and patients will get gradually decline of kidney function with the development of their disease. When patients get kidney failure, they will have some severe symptoms due to low kidney function, and black stool is one of the common symptoms that patients complained too much. Then how to control the black stool for kidney failure patients?

In order to get the treatment, we need first get the main cause of black stool for kidney failure patients.

1. Constipation

For kidney failure patients, they are often recommended to limit the fluid intake and restrict their diet, so they will get constipation easily. The long term constipation can cause the stool color trend to black.

2. Gastrointestinal bleeding

Gastrointestinal bleeding is related to kidney failure, which can cause the bloody stool or black stool easily.

3. Other causes

Since kidney failure patients need to take some medicines to control their symptoms, and some of the medications can cause some side effects to patients, black stool can be a common one.

Then how to control the black stool for kidney failure patients?

From above, we can get the main causes of black stool in kidney failure, so patients need to first get the main cause when they get black stool, and then take effective treatment.

1. If the black stool is caused by constipation, kidney failure patients need to increase the fiber in their daily diet, which can relieve the constipation. In our hospital, we also use the Enema Therapy to help kidney failure patients get rod of constipation, and it can help remove the toxins and wastes out effectively.

2. If the black stool is caused by gastrointestinal bleeding, patients need to take effective treatment to control the bleeding and take effective. Patients need to take effective treatment to repair kidney damage and improve the kidney function, then it can help control the gastrointestinal bleeding from root. And the recommended therapies include Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy, Maikang Mixture, Full Bath Therapy, etc. Learn more information about the therapies for kidney failure, you can leave a message below, or contact online doctor directly.

3. If the black stool is caused by side effects of medications, patients need to talk with their doctors and change their medication.

If you still have any questions after reading, you can send e-mail to kidney_arab@hotmail.com , we will give you more professional suggestions.