
High Creatinine 4 And Vomiting: What Should I Do

High creatinine 4 is much higher than normal level 0.5-1.3 mg/dl, and it means you are already developing into kidney failure, and your kidneys have been damaged severely. Vomiting can be a symptom related with high creatinine level 4. Then what should I do with high creatinine 4 and vomiting?

First, let’s get the main cause of vomiting in high creatinine 4.

As we know, high creatinine 4 means your kidneys have been damaged severely with less than 50% kidney function, and creatinine is a kind of wastes in blood. When your creatinine level gets higher, it means there are lots of toxins and wastes building up in your blood, which can stimulate your digestive system and cause the symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, etc.

Second, what should I do with high creatinine 4 and vomiting?

From above, we can know that, the high creatinine 4 and vomiting are mainly caused by severe kidney damage in kidney failure, so you need to take treatment that can purify your blood and restore your kidney function.

Based on this, the expert team in our hospital, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, has made a systematic treatment plan for kidney failure with high creatinine and vomiting, which includes Blood Pollution Therapy and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

The Blood Pollution Therapy is used to purify blood by taking different Blood Purification, and it can help supply more essential nutrition to blood and kidneys, which can strengthen your kidneys.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an external and herbal based treatment for kidney failure, and its most important function is that it can help repair your damaged kidney tissues and improve your kidney function from root.

Once your kidney function is improved effectively, your kidneys can work well to remove the toxins and wastes out, so the high creatinine 4 and vomiting can be controlled from root. If you want to learn more details of the treatment for your disease, you can consult our online doctor for free help, or you can also send your kidney questions to our email:
 sjz-kidneyhospital@hotmail.com . We can give more help.

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