
Can Dialysis Cause Extreme Fatigue

Dialysis is a replacement treatment for kidney disease patients when their kidneys lost most of their functions. However, the long term dialysis may cause some severe side effects for patients. Then can dialysis cause extreme fatigue for patients? In the following article, we will get the answer.

In fact, dialysis can cause extreme fatigue, and the fatigue can be caused by some factors.

1. Anemia

As we know, anemia is one of the common complications for kidney disease when they develop into advanced stage. Kidneys have the function of excreting erythropoietin, which is important for the production of red blood cells in blood. Then patients will easily get anemia, which will make them fatigue. When patients take dialysis, it will make the blood transported out of their body, which will cause further kidney damage and cause the loss of red blood cells. Then it will cause extreme fatigue for dialysis patients.

2. Low blood pressure

Low blood pressure is also a common side effect for dialysis patients, which can be caused by many factors. And the low blood pressure will cause patients to have hard breath, reduce the blood’s transportation ability, which will cause the lack of oxygen in blood for patients. And this will lead to extreme fatigue in dialysis patients.

3. Shortage of potassium

During dialysis, patients will get loss of large amount of potassium in blood, which can cause the shortage of potassium level in blood. And this may also cause the extreme fatigue in patients.

Above are the causes of extreme fatigue in dialysis patients, so patients need to get the main cause of their fatigue and then get effective treatment. If you still have any questions after reading, or you want to get more suggestions for dialysis patients, you can consult online doctor, or you can also leave a message below. We will contact you soon.

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