
How to Treat the Diarrhea After Dialysis

How to treat the diarrhea after dialysis? Diarrhea is a common problem for dialysis patients, which will make them weaker and weaker. In this article, we will find the reasons why dialysis patients will have diarrhea, and the tell the treatment for dialysis patient with diarrhea.

What can cause diarrhea for dialysis patients?

In order to have effective treatment for the diarrhea after dialysis, we need first find the basic causes of diarrhea for dialysis patients. Here are some possible factors that can cause the diarrhea in dialysis.

1. Improper intake of foods in diet

If dialysis patients take improper foods in their daily diet, such as the bad foods, polluted foods, expired food, etc, all these will make them diarrhea. In addition, if patients take the spicy foods, it can also cause diarrhea.

2. Diabetes

If dialysis patients have diabetes, it will cause the food to flow slowly through the intestine, and this will cause the bacteria to grow, which can also cause diarrhea.

3. Medicines

For dialysis patients, they need to take some medicines, such as antibiotics, which may cause some side effects, and diarrhea is a common one among patients.

How to treat the diarrhea after dialysis?

From above, we know the main cause of diarrhea for dialysis patients, so they need to find the cause of their diarrhea, and then have effective treatment.

1. If the diarrhea is caused by the foods they take, they need to check their food list, and they should know exactly what can eat and what cant eat in their daily diet. And they should avoid the spicy foods, fatty foods or heavily sea foods.

2. If the diarrhea is caused by the diabetes, patients need to have effective treatment to regulate the blood sugar.

3. If the diarrhea is caused by the medicines, they need to ask the doctor to change their medicine, which can help prevent the diarrhea.

Above are the treatment for diarrhea for dialysis patients. If you still have any questions, we will answer you as soon as possible.

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