
Why People Feel Dizzy During Dialysis

Dialysis is one of the common treatments for kidney failure patients when their kidneys lost most of their kidney functions. Once patients start dialysis, they need to do it regularly, but the long term dialysis may cause some severe side effects. And the dizziness is one of the side effects in dialysis patients. Then why people feel dizzy during dialysis?

In fact, there are some mainly causes of dizziness for dialysis patients.

1. Low blood pressure

If patients get a very low blood pressure, they will feel dizzy during dialysis. And the low blood pressure can be caused when dialysis removes too much fluid from body at a time. And patients should not take medicines for high blood pressure before doing dialysis.

2. Dialysis encephalopathy

The dialysis encephalopathy can also cause dizziness during dialysis. As we know, dialysis can help remove toxins form blood rapidly, but it will take a long time to clear the toxins in brain, then the gradient difference can cause cerebral edema and a series of symptoms of dialysis encephalopathy.

3. Anemia

Anemia is one of the common complications in kidney failure patients. For kidney failure patients, their kidneys have been damaged severely, then it will cause the lack of red blood cells, its main function is bring oxygen to body. So anemia can reduce the oxygen supply to brain, which can cause the dizziness during dialysis.

Above are some of the main causes of dizziness for dialysis patients, so patients need to first get the main cause of their symptoms and then take basic treatment to control the symptoms.

Since the long term dialysis will cause some severe side effects for patients, so we recommend them taking early treatment for their kidney failure, then it can help prevent dialysis.

If you want to get more information about the treatment to help prevent dialysis for kidney failure patients, you can consult online doctor, or you can also leave a message below. We will do our good to help you.

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