
Causes of Weak Bone in Dialysis Patients

Some dialysis patients may find they become weaker and weaker, especially about their bone. Why is this? What are the causes of weak bone in dialysis patients?

Actually the number cause for weak bone in dialysis is hypocalcemia which is a condition of electrolyte imbalance wherein there is decreased level of serum calcium. Hypocalcemia is diagnosed when the concentration of free calcium ions in the blood falls below 4.0mg/dL. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and plays a very important role for bone healthy. It is also helps maintain heart rhythm, muscle function and more. Therefore, keeping calcium level in the normal range is very important.

Dialysis patients suffer from bone weakness mainly due to low calcium in the blood. Kidney is an organ with bean shape. Apart from filtering blood, it also helps to maintain electrolyte balance. Phosphorus is a very important mineral in our body. In normal condition, phosphorus level is kept in the normal range by kidney. For dialysis patients, their kidneys have been severely damaged and under a condition, phosphorus level can not be kept in the normal range any more. Large amounts of phosphos build up in the blood, leading to hyperphosphatemia. High phosphorus level in blood affect their body getting enough calcium, which can cause low calcium level directly. Bone problems like bone weakness, bone pain, bone fracture and even osteoporosis appear when hypocalcemia becomes very serious.

For dialysis patients who have weak bone, they need to ingest much more calcium through their daily diet and also try to avoid high phosphorus foods. If this condition can not be alleviated through diet, calcium supplements will be helpful.

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