
Is There Any Alternative Treatment for Creatinine 5.0 to Prevent Dialysis

Is there any alternative treatment for creatinine 5.0 to prevent dialysis? This should be one of the most concern questions for kidney failure patients when they get high creatinine level in blood. In the following article, we will get further understanding of this question.

Creatinine 5.0 is much higher than the normal level 0.5-1.3 mg/dl, which means the kidneys have been damaged very severely. In general, if the creatinine level is higher than 5, patients will be recommended to take dialysis. Dialysis is a replacement and life-saving treatment for kidney failure patients when their kidneys lost most of their kidney functions, and it can help remove the toxins and wastes out, which can relieve the symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, skin itching, etc. However, once patients start dialysis, they may need to take regualr dialysis, about 2-4 times a week, and the long term dialysis will cause some severe side effects for patients.

Then is there any alternative treatment for creatinine 5.0 to prevent dialysis?

The answer is yes. As we know, the high creatinine 5.0 is mainly caused by the severe kidney damage and low kidney function, so patients need to take effective treatment to repair the kidney damage and improve their kidney function.

Here we recommend the Four-one Treatment to patients, which includes Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy, Mai Kang Mixture, Foot Bath, and these therapies can help dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation, remove toxins and wastes out, bring more nutrition and oxygen to kidneys, then it can help repair damaged kidney tissues and improve the kidney function.

Once the kidney function is improved effectively, it can help lower the high creatinine from root, which can help prevent dialysis. If you want to get more details of our treatment, you can consult online doctor, or you can also leave a message below. We will do our good to help you.

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