
Why I Still Have Itchiness All Over the Body After Dialysis

Why I still have itchiness all over the body after dialysis? This should be one of the most concern questions for most of the dialysis patients. Many kidney failure patients treated with hemodialysis complain if itchy skin, usually on back, chest, head or limbs. And the skin itching is often worse during or just after dialysis treatment. Then what are the main caused of itchiness all over the body for patients after dialysis? In the following article, we will get the answers.
Here are some of the common reasons of itchiness all over the body after dialysis.

1. Inadequate dialysis

As we know, dialysis has the function of removing toxins and wastes out. However, in some cases, because the inadequate dialysis, it will cause the waste products still building up in blood, which can lead to itchiness all over the body.

2. Imbalance of calcium and phosphorus levels

The itchiness all over the body can also be caused by the damaged kidneys’ inability to balance the levels of the minerals calcium and phosphorus level in blood. Dialysis cant help remove out the extra phosphorus effectively, then it can easily cause skin itching in patients.

3. Side effects of medicines

For dialysis patients, they also need to take some medicines to control their symptoms, which can also cause side effect of itchiness all over the body.

Above are some of the main causes of itchiness all over the body after dialysis. So patients need first get the man cause of their itching, and then take effective treatment to relieve the symptoms.

Since the long term dialysis will cause some severe symptoms and complications for kidney failure patients, which can also be life threatening. So patients often recommend taking alternative treatment to help reduce the frequency of dialysis or even stop dialysis. If you want to get more information of the treatment for dialysis patients, you can consult online doctor, or you can also leave a message below. We will contact you soon.

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