
Is Dialysis Painful

Dialysis is life-saving for kidney failure patients, but some patients should said they would rather die than have dialysis. Why is this? Is kidney dialysis painful?

Is dialysis painful?

Dialysis plays a very important role for many kidney failure patients to live longer. For this reason, some patients wrongly think they will be treatment  after dialysis. Actually this is a total wrong idea. Kidney failure can not be treatment  at all with dialysis, and once a patient starts dialysis, he needs to do dialysis regularly for the rest of his life. Worse still, dialysis is painful and risky.

Dialysis is the medical procedure in which blood is drained out of the body and then transfused back to the body after being purified by a machine. Blood is normally filtered by kidney, so when kidneys shut down, toxins will build up in the blood. Dialysis is used to replace damaged kidney to cleanse blood. It can not repair kidney damages, so kidney failure can not be treatment with dialysis. To keep blood clean, kidney failure patients have to do dialysis regularly.

Dialysis is helpful, but as the machine can not work as well as a healthy kidney, so during or after dialysis, patients always experience a group of discomforts like vomiting, muscle cramp, tiredness, dizziness, headache and even coma. Dialysis helps kidney failure patients prolong life span to some extent, but as it is painful, many patients would rater die than do dialysis.

What is the alternative for painful kidney dialysis?

Dialysis is just a way to keep blood cleanse and it is not a real treatment for kidney damages. To avoid or get off dialysis fundamentally, repairing damaged kidneys to improve kidney function is necessary.

For an affected kidney, there are healthy, injured and dead kidney tissues. So far no medicine or treatment has been proven to be able to bring dead kidney tissues to back to life, so kidney failure can not be treatment. But for the injured kidney tissues, they can be repaired by stimulating them, strengthening their self-curative ability and proving them with necessary nutrient. Kidney works through a group of kidney tissues, so when some of the injured kidney tissues are repaired, kidney function gets improved. When kidney works better, painful dialysis can be delayed or stopped.

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