
Why do People on Dialysis Still Have High Creatinine Level 6.1

Patient: Why do people on dialysis still have high creatinine level 6.1? How can I lower the creatinine naturally? Can dialysis be stopped?

Doctor: dialysis is a replacement and livesaving treatment for kidney disease patients with less than 10% kidney function left. Dialysis can help remove the toxins and wastes out, so it can reduce the creatinine level to some extent. However, after dialysis, the creatinine level is still as high as 6.1 mg/dl, it means dialysis is not much effective for you. Dialysis can purify blood, but it cant repair damaged kidney tissues, so the creatinine will keep elevated after dialysis.

Creatinine is the waste product of muscle metabolism, and it is mainly excreted by kidneys. If you want to lower the high creatinine, you need to take treatment to repair your kidney damage and improve kidney function. Then kidneys can help excrete creatinine out effectively, and the creatinine level can be reduced from root.

You can take the Chinese therapies to remedy your kidney disease. We suggest the featured treatment in our hospital, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, which is the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It is an external and herbal based treatment, and there are many unique and special Chinese medicines used in it, which has the functions of repairing damaged kidney tissues and improving kidney function. Once the kidneys can work well, it can help excrete creatinine out naturally. In addition, when the kidney function is improved higher than 20%, it can help prevent dialysis and make a good prognosis for you.

If you want to learn more details of the treatment for high creatinine 6.1 and stop dialysis, you can contact us by following ways:

-Whatsapp/Viber/Wechat: 008615931093124 

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