
Dietary Recommendations for Kidney Dialysis Patients

Dialysis is a replacement treatment for kidney failure patients when their kidneys are damaged severely, and the GFR is less than 15 ml/min. For dialysis patients, they also need to keep a well planed diet, which will be good for their illness condition. Then what are the dietary recommendations for kidney dialysis patients?

Dialysis can be divided into two kinds, hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, and kidney failure patients will choose the suitable dialysis depending on their own illness condition. For dialysis patients, they need to pay attention to their daily diet, and they should take proper amount of protein, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, etc. All these will be helpful for kidney dialysis patients.

Dietary recommendations for kidney dialysis patients.

1. Protein

During the dialysis process, patients will get a large amount of protein lost, which will be harmful for their illness. In this condition, patients need to take proper amount of protein, which can help build their immune system.

Hemodialysis: 1.2-1.5 grams per kilo of body weight

Peritoneal dialysis: 1.5-2.0 grams per kilo of body weight

And patients need to take the high quality protein foods, such as chicken, fish, eggs and turkey, which can reduce the burden to kidneys.

2. Phosphorus

For kidney dialysis patients, they can also suffer from high phosphorus level in blood, so they also need to limit the phosphorus intake. The daily phosphorus intake recommendation: up to 7 mg per kg of body weight. The high phosphorus level in blood will cause the side effects such as bone and teeth problems, hyperparathyroidism, low calcium levels, bone pain and itching.

3. Potassium

Similar with phosphorus, kidney dialysis patients also need to limit the potassium intake. The recommended potassium intake for dialysis patients are as follows:

Hemodialysis: 1500 mg to 2000 mg a day

Peritoneal dialysis: 2000 mg to 4000 mg a day

And the high potassium level in blood will cause the side effects such as nausea, weakness, numbness, slow pulse, irregular heartbeat, heart failure, sudden death, etc.

4. Sodium

Sodium is only removed in low to moderate amounts by dialysis, so patients also need to monitor their sodium intake. Dialysis patients need to take the proper amount of sodium in their daily diet.

Hemodialysis: 1500mg-2500 mg a day

Peritoneal dialysis: 2500mg-4000mg a day

And the high sodium in blood will cause the side effects, such as high blood pressure, edema, cardivascular disease, nausea, vomiting, weakness, fatigue, etc.

Above are the dietary suggestions for kidney dialysis patients, and it will be helpful for their illness condition.

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