Knowing clearly about symptoms of early stage kidney failure helps to increase our awareness about kidney and also we can go to hospital to have treatment timely, so as to prevent further decline of kidney function. Well, what are the symptoms that we may face at the oneset of kidney failure?
To be honest, there is no obvious physical discomforts in the initial stage of kidney failure. Kidney works through about one million nephron and when only a small number of them are damaged, the residual kidney function is able to help us maintain normal life activity. Therefore, we usually have no symptoms at all when kidneys are very mildly affected.
However, when about a half of kidney function is affected, we will experience symptoms like:
-High blood pressure
Persistent high blood pressure can damage kidney and impair kidney function. Also, kidney disorder can lead to elevation of blood pressure. To know well about our blood pressure, we need to check our blood pressure regularly. For these suffering from hypertension, they need to have regular medical tests to learn about their kidney condition.
A the one set of kidney failure, we may experience symptom of swelling which usually firstly appears in face, around eyelid, inside the ankle, limbs and testis in male. With swelling, fluid limitation is necessary.
Foams in urine
Foamy urine is also a symptom of kidney failure and the foams usually exist for a long time in urine. In kidney failure, foams are very small and can not be washed away easily. We need to regulate protein intake when there are foams in urine and the exact protein intake is generally based on specific illness condition.
Once being affected by kidney failure, we may notice we become tired easily. We may have no energy or interested to do what we like.
Kidney failure is a problem regarding kidney, but if it is left uncontrolled, almost all the body system might be involved and also, with the development of illness, all the symptoms become more and more serious. Therefore, once we have the above mentioned symptoms, we need to go hospital as soon as possible to have medical tests, so as to know if they are caused by kidney failure.
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» What Symptoms We May Face At the One set of Kidney Failure
What Symptoms We May Face At the One set of Kidney Failure
二月 19, 2017
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