
Is Guayabano Good for Dialysis Patients

guayabano good for dialysis patients? As we know, dialysis is a replacement treatment for kidney failure patients when their kidneys lost most of their kidney functions. For dialysis patients, they also need to pay attention to their diet, because the well planed diet is beneficial for their disease. So patients will wonder whether they can eat the guayabano with dialysis.

In fact, there are some benefits of taking the guayabano for dialysis patients.

1. Protect the kidney cells

Guayabano contains large number of natural antioxidants, which can help reduce the internal human body oxidation reaction and remove the free radicals in the body, then it can help protect the organs in body and delay senescence. So it can help protect the kidney cells and protect the kidneys from further damage.

2. Prevent constipation

Guayabano also contains large amount of fibers, which can increase the intestinal motility, which can help prevent or relieve the constipation. As we know, due to the limitation of fluid and too much toxins and wastes accumulating in body, it will cause the constipation for them. So eating guayabano will be good for them.

3. Anti-cancer

The guayabano also has the function of anti-cancer, and this can also be good for dialysis patients.

Above are some of the benefits of eating guayabano for dialysis patients. However, since the specific illness condition will be different from case to case for dialysis patients, so they need to take proper amount of the guayabano depending on their own illness condition.

Besides, there are also some other diet suggestions for dialysis patients.

1. Take proper amount of high quality protein

2. Limit the salt intake

3. Limit the fluid intake

4. Take some fresh fruits and vegetables

All these will be beneficial for dialysis patients. If you still have any questions after reading, you can consult online doctor directly for free help, or you can also leave a message below. We will do our good to help you. 

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